
So I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what my first post should be about. As it is Tuesday and the start of the week I am trying to feel more peaceful & zen to aide my life and I feel this is important to everyone; especially those living in London. I have recently started Yoga as a weekly practice which I now do in the Waterloo Action Centre on a Monday lunch time (I would normally post a link but the class doesn’t seem to be advertised online – please email me if you would like more details). I can’t emphasis more how much I am enjoying yoga to de-stress, take some time out of the day and to have some quiet time.

I have also started to try and fit some yoga into my evenings in the week. The video below from the Yoga Vine is amazing and eventually you can start working up to headstands which are unbelievably fun to master….

Adriene and the 30 days of yoga programme is probably the best place to start if you are new to yoga…

Please get in touch if you have any recommendations for videos for me to try in my yoga zen time… I’m going to try and get some pictures of my yoga improvement over the next few weeks and try and upload 🙂 Enjoy LLWM x